Top 5 favorite News Media

Twitter is one of my favorite outlets of media to get news about. I like it because it is effortless and convenient. Twitter can have both biases and unbias information depending on what you read and who you follow. I try and follow a lot of different outlets to get a fair outlook. Twitter allows you to read about President Trump one minute to a toddler the next. This allows you to get a wide range of news with just a tweet away you can know a whole story.

Fox News
Fox news is something I religiously keep up with whether I am reading in on Twitter or watching it on TV. I watch Fox when I am home since we have it on in the mornings and nights. During school, I read it on twitter to see what's happening in the world. I also will watch short clips they post. I like all the different segments they talk about. It is very political which keeps me informed and up to date on the world. 
Enews is my favorite outlet to hear all the gossip about celebrities. I love listening to celebrities and all things they do. I not only watch Enews all the time, but I also follow them on every social media account. Enews also incorporates fashion and beauty by talking about new trends and products. They will forever be one of my favorite media outlets. 

Apple News
Apple news is something that I have recently been reading especially while I am at school. This is an app that comes on the iPhone. I like this because it just gives you a notification from various outlets. Sometimes they will have CNN other times it's the Washington Post. I usually never swipe up on the post unless it is urgent, most times I will just read the notification and go back and read the whole article later 
People is another outlet that is about celebrities and their life. I find myself only reading the magazine but, not following it on any other social media outlets. I occasionally will click on it on snapchat to see a funny post. Ever since I was little, I remember my mom having a subscription to People magazine and would get so excited for it to come in. My favorite part about People is when they compare two celebrities wearing the same outfit and finding out which person won. I like the fashion part of it the best.


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