Advancing Technology

Technology is improving and getting better each day. When creating new technology, you need to think outside the box and always have a foot over your competitors. One minute, you think something is the greatest the next day it’s something completely different. 

Apple Pay is one of the newest technologies that Apple has come out with. This is something I use on a daily basis. What’s fantastic about Apple Pay is you can use it both online and in stories. More and more places are allowing this, and I think it’s so worth it. The best part is you do not need to carry around your credit card or cash because the card is already on your phone. This is very innovative because it's less you have to carry, and most people bring their phone everywhere. Not only will you have your phone to call/text, but you also will be able to buy things. There are so many times when I forget my wallet and start stressing until I realized I can pay right on my phone. 

I think everyone should use Apple Pay. You do not even have to use it all the time but, it just allows you to always have money on you. It is also very convenient when you are online shopping or ordering food and you just have to hit the apple pay. Apple pay also saves all your information, so you won’t even have to type in anything. I believe that everything will be on your phone in a few years and you won’t even have to have a physical copy of a credit card. 


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