No Court is as powerful as The Supreme Court

We recently watched a video about the Supreme Court, and I learned what the judges do and deal with daily. 

Staring off, the Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial body.

The Supreme Court Judges work every day reviewing cases on cases to see what will go through and what won’t. They get about 7000 cases a year. When reviewing over a case they will refer back to the constitution to figure out an outcome. All the judges will meet weekly to decide on the cases. 

There has been over 100 Supreme Court Judges and the average serve for 16 years. Their jobs are both powerful yet stressful. One judge says, “no court is as powerful as ours but, a lot of people base their courts off of ours.” This just shows the kind of power people like us give them. I think we sometimes forget they are normal humans just like us.

The cases that they do pick, they will figure out what the outcome is and once they do that, they will tell the press. The press then will spread the word telling everyone the final decision that was made. This ensures that the public is being updated and feels included. Then this is when the public will put their own opinions and views on it. 


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