The Power of Snapchat

Social Media runs our entire world. Some of these platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat, Instagram, etc. Snapchat is probably the most popular app for my generation. It came out in September 2011. The reason this app is so popular is everything is so instant. I can take a picture or video of whatever I want and send it to whoever I wish to in a matter of a second. I can also add effects like filters, speeding up or down the video, and drawing/write different things. Then you can pick how long you want your picture/video to last. It can range from a second to indefinitely. 

The more you snap the same person you can get a streak. A streak appears after you Snapchat each other for three days in a row. In order for it to stay, you have to Snapchat each other at least once a day to keep a streak up. I have a streak with my sister for 1210 days, so that means we have Snapchatted each other every day for 1210 days. When I was in high school, I became so obsessed that I would Snapchat everyone and only care about streaks. I think this is why it is so popular because it is so fun to see how many streaks you can get and to see what everyone is doing at all times. You also can post stories for everyone to see and these stories are usually sillier and less serious than Instagram. 

When I think about Snapchat now, I often think when will I grow out of Snapchat or end my streaks? I do not know the answer to that but, am I going to be old and still have a streak with my sister and other friends? It’s a very weird thing to think about because I feel Snapchat is mostly millennials, but recently more parents are starting to have it. I think there are a few reasons for that. The first is to see what their children are posting and two for parents that kids are in college or older they can Snapchat to see what they are up to. I feel parents get it to stay up to date. Snapchat also has a map that tells you where all your friends are based on the last time they were on the app. An example would be like “Sydney was seen 3 mins ago” and will show everyone where I was or am. This to me is creepy but, you can turn it off which mine is usually. It can be fun if you are bored and you want to stalk and see what your friends are up to. Also, it’s a way parents can track their kids. Overall, I think Snapchat is taking over our world because now they even allow you to read news articles so what’s next? We will probably find out soon!

This article I found has all the stats, demographics and fun facts about Snapchat 



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