
This presentation I found to be the most interesting and one that I could relate to the most. Under this topic, it includes MSM, Alternative Media, Echo Chamber, Whistleblower, Reliable Sources, and Citizen Journalism. 

Most of these terms I have already heard before but, some were new to me. Starting with MSM, this is considered to be all the popular networks (NBC, ABC, Fox News, etc.) We each have a preference of what we like to watch, listen, and follow. Under each mainstream media, some channels are more liberal or conservative. Depending on what you believe in you will most likely follow the media that has similar views as you. 

This is where Alternative media comes to play. Alternative media is media that differs from mainstream media. People can use alternative media to find out the truth of what is happening in our world instead of watching mainstream media and get bias information. I think this can be really helpful when researching information. I also think it’s important to use both forms of media. 

Echo Chamber is one of the new terms I learned about. Echo Chamber is the same concept that you believe in is being “echoed” throughout media outlets that you follow. This happens a lot with political parties. When you believe something then watch it or hear about it, it makes you believe everything these people are saying is true.

The next term is Whistleblower. This is when someone exposes any information that is deemed illegal or unethical within any organization. If someone decides to become one and they can say information that is either from internal or external. Whistleblower also has a protection act which protects federal employees. 

Reliable Sources is something we all need to be aware of. Anyone can post anything, and we need to realize that and be critical readers. Any scholarly sources are pretty reliable and are a good place to start. 

The last term is Citizen Journalism. This is when the news is sent to the public via internet/social media. This is something I use instead of watching the news on TV. You can hear the news in so many different platforms nowadays some which include Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. I get most of my news from Twitter.


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