Ads know who you are !!!!

Every ad we see is meant for us. Data providers try and tailor ads from what we like to who we will be voting for. Each year ads have been getting more invasive and digging deeper and deeper into our privacy. 

Ads use to be targeted toward you depending on what site you were on and they could infer different things you liked. Nowadays companies like credit card providers and retailers will sell customer information in order to have specific ads targeted toward us. I think this is so creepy and scary that everything we are buying or how much money we have is now public information. 

Data providers can receive information from every aspect of our life. This can be from what you are searching on the internet, where you like to shop, things you like and dislike, who you are friends with, and even what your friends like. It’s crazy to think someone knows this much information about you but does not actually know you. 

They will then combine all the information from various aspects and make these targeted ads. This website shows different ads that were targeted towards people and where the data providers get all their information from. Some of the examples are from just taking a simple survey to what you are watching on TV. I have said this before, and I will say it again no one is safe. Everyone is watching and collecting data from you at all times. We need to do something about it because soon enough they will know anything and everything. 



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